the house swich places: act 2st
A downloadable aventore game for Windows
downlode gam (clic button at page botom)
play on line [in youre web browdser]
goto the othe act
"what it would be like......... if he girl was on aliein planet?"
inspire by acadamy award winning documatary "the cool and new web comic", comes THE HOUSE SWICH PLACES!!!!!!!!! act 2'st
play as a 13th year old girl who gose to altertia she meet's some trols and all in searche of fruty pebbels. trols are the aleins who live on altertia which is the planit she goes to! adn fruty pebbels is a cereal brand. oh and the girls name is joe eclare. it hink thats all of the fact's you should now before playing the game. oh yeah the girl isnt a trol shes a human from eath. just to clarafy
faquently asked questiobs
q::wheir is the game, i do'nt see it?
a: its rite hear YOU NUBSKULL. you ABSOLUTE MORONE. its on the web-site.
q: how much does the game?
a! it will be $413.612 pleas
q,is there a train within the game
a,no there is 0 trains in the game
q: oh ok but there is a trial in the game ? pleas tell me at least theirs a funny laywer trial in the game
a, i dont know why are you asking me this things.......
q, dose this game even have ANY thign in it at all.
a: there is a spooky goast in the game,just like in five nigts of freddy!
q: when will it, ACT 3 be released?
a act 3 will NEVER be realease. LEAV ME ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!